Serving The Entire
Coachella Valley
The Velazquez Family

Visit The Best Coachella Florist In The Coachella Valley for the best flower arrangements and gifts in The Valley! Our professional florists can help you find the perfect flowers for any individual or occasion and can even create a custom bouquet to fit your unique needs. The Coachella Florist Store delivers flower arrangements throughout the Entire Coachella Valley and offers same-day delivery for your last-minute gift needs – at no extra cost! The Coachella Florist Store can also deliver quality flowers for thoes especial days like wedding and quinceaneras.

Make the right impression with fresh flowers from The Coachella Florist. Find the perfect floral gift for any holiday or occasion - from lovely Mother’s Day flowers and romantic anniversary flowers to sympathy funeral flowers and thoughtful get well flowers. Trust your local Valley florist for the freshest, most beautiful bouquets to fit any budget. The Coachella Florist offers the best arrangements gifts for the ones you love, like special birthday flowers and exquisite Valentine’s Day flowers for the ones you love.

You never have to worry when ordering fresh flowers from The Coachella Florist Store in Coachella, California. Our expert florists can deliver the perfect floral gift for any occasion. Browse our website to find the right flowers for your special someone and order online or over the phone – it couldn’t be easier! The Coachella Florist Store will reliably deliver your arrangements to recipients in the entire Coachella Valley.

2013 Copyright © All rights reserved. Coachella Florist No. 2
Coachella Florist No. 1
49-889 Highway 86
Coachella, CA 92236
Tel: (760) 398-7158
Fax: (760) 398-4388